Ho To (Do) Upavistha Konasana is good preparation for most of the seated forward bends, twists, and the wide-leg standing poses. Without Leaving Your Office(House).

Stage 1
Sit in Dandasana (Staff Pose), at that point lean your middle back somewhat staring you in the face and lift and open your legs to an edge of around 90 degrees (the legs should frame a surmised right edge, with the pubis at the pinnacle). Press your hands against the floor and slide your bum forward, extending the legs another 10 to 20 degrees. Likewise with Dandasana, in the event that you can't sit serenely on the floor, raise your rump on a collapsed cover.
See likewise More Seated Poses
Stage 2
Turn your thighs apparently, sticking the external thighs against the floor, with the goal that the knee tops point straight up toward the roof. Connect to your rear areas and extend your bottoms, squeezing, however, the chunks of the feet.
See additionally Simple Poses to Relieve Back Pain
Stage 3
With your thigh bones squeezed vigorously into the floor and your knee tops pointing up at the roof, walk your hands forward between your legs. Keep your arms long. Likewise, with every single forward curve, the accentuation is on moving from the hip joints and keeping up the length of the front middle. When you wind up twisting from the abdomen, stop, re-build up the length from the pubis to the navel, and proceed forward if conceivable.
See likewise More Forward Bend Poses
Stage 4
Increment the forward curve on every exhalation until the point that you feel a great extent in the backs of your legs. Remain in the posture 1 moment or more. At that point come up in an inward breath with a long front middle.
Watch an exhibit of Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend
Stance Information
Sanskrit Name
Upavistha Konasana
Stance Level
Contraindications and Cautions
Lower-back damage: Sit up high on a collapsed cover and keep your middle generally upright.
Changes and Props
Learners won't have the capacity to present the middle toward the floor. Take a reinforce or a thickly moved cover and lay it on the floor before you, its long pivot opposite to your pelvis. Breathe out into the forward curve and lay your middle down on this help.
Develop the Pose
Propelled understudies can enable themselves to advance into the curve. Perform stages 1 and 2 in the fundamental portrayal above. At that point connect and wrap your list and center fingers around the huge toes, each combination of fingers secured to set up with the thumb. The drawback on the toes as you lean forward, however, push effectively through the bases of the enormous toes to keep the internal and external lower legs even. Curve your elbows out to the sides and lift them far from the floor as your middle plummets.
Therapeutic Applications
Joint pain
Detoxes kidneys
Preliminary Poses
Baddha Konasana
Prasarita Padottanasana
Supta Baddha Konasana
Supta Padangusthasana
Follow-up Poses
Upavistha Konasana is a decent arrangement for the greater part of the situated forward curves and turns, and also the wide-leg standing stances. It may likewise be utilized to prepare for:
Baddha Konasana
Siddhasana or Sukhasana
Supta Padangusthasana
Learner's Tip
Upavistha Konasana is a troublesome forward twist for some apprentices. On the off chance that you experience difficulty twisting even a smidgen forward, it's adequate to twist your knees somewhat. You may even help your knees on daintily moved covers; yet recollect, as you advance into the curve, it's as yet vital to keep the knee tops indicating the roof.
Extends the internal parts and backs of the legs
Fortifies the stomach organs
Reinforces the spine
Quiets the mind
Discharges crotches
Joining forces
An accomplice can enable you to figure out the activity of the internal thighs in this stance. Perform stages 1 and 2 in the primary portrayal above. Wrap a tie over your left hip wrinkle and around the left leg and have the accomplice, sitting off to one side, hold the two free finishes. She should squeeze her correct foot against your sacrum, her left foot against your external left thigh. At that point, as the accomplice pulls on the lash oppositely to the line of your thigh bone, breathe out and turn your middle to one side. Feel, as you turn, how the tie drags the inward left crotch far from (thus securing) the curve. Press your left hand on the floor between your legs, your correct hand on the floor outside your correct hip. Spend a moment turning far from the developing left crotch, at that point discharge with an exhalation, and rehash on the opposite side. At long last, play out the full posture as depicted previously. As your middle extends forward between your legs, imagine that each internal crotch is being pulled far from that development by a fanciful tie.
Upavistha Konasana has a curved variety. From the upright position depicted in stage 1, turn your middle to one side with an exhalation. Press your left hand to the outside of your correct thigh and right hand on the floor to the outside of your correct hip. With a progression of exhalations, walk your left hand down along the outside of the leg. Press the highest point of the left thigh into the floor to fill in as the grapple for this development. Stop at an agreeable place en route or, if your adaptability permits it, achieve your left hand to the outside of your correct foot. Ensure, as you bend to one side and move the hand along the leg, that you don't abbreviate your correct side; keep squeezing your correct hand against the floor to help protract that side of the middle. Remain for a moment. To leave this posture, breathe out and swing your middle back to nonpartisan. At that point come back to upright with an inward breath and rehash to one side.
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